The Blueprint group continues to monitor the implementation of the judiciary reforms

The Blueprint group for judicial reforms is an informal network of civil society organizations that have been working and acting in the judiciary for the past years. The Blueprint group, through the previous monitoring of the Judiciary Reform Strategy (2017-2022), highlighted relevant and professional expertise in assessing the quality of the proposed measures and policies in the judiciary and positioned itself as a key actor from the civil sector participating in reforms in this field.

This year as well, the Blueprint group continues to monitor the implementation of reforms in the judiciary through the implementation of the project “For justice – civil contribution to the advancement of the judiciary”, coordinated by the European Policy Institute – EPI Skopje and financially supported by the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia.

The general goal of the project is to increase the influence of civil society organizations in the judiciary reform process as a prerequisite for the protection of human rights and ensuring social justice.

Through continuous monitoring of the implementation of the Judiciary Reform Strategy (2017-2022), focusing on its impact on the protection of human rights and the provision of social justice, the Blueprint Group strives to provide an objective and comprehensive assessment of the reform process in the judiciary and its impact on human rights and social justice. Namely, from the Annual Report of the European Commission (EC) on the progress of our country in 2021, it follows that there is some progress in the reform processes in the judiciary. This progress is due to the implementation of the Judiciary Reform Strategy 2017-2022, which further addresses the recommendations made by the Venice Commission and the group of senior experts on systemic issues for the rule of law. However, the need for a consistent and strengthened implementation of the reforms provided for in the Strategy was emphasized, and it was especially emphasized that a strengthened implementation of the revised action plan is needed. In these circumstances, the Blueprint Group continuously contributes through recommendations to address these challenges, and with this project, Blueprint will also contribute to the preparation of the future Judiciary Reform Strategy.

At the same time, the Blueprint group aims at strengthened cooperation between civil society organizations and thematic networks, which enables identifying and articulating their needs and demands in the justice reform process. In its analyses of the laws that it monitors, the Blueprint Group noted that the involvement of stakeholders, including civil society organizations in the preparation of laws is to a certain extent satisfied. Although, in the Annual Report, the EC notes that civil society organizations continued to be active and have an important role in the reform processes, it is significant to emphasize that additional efforts are needed to ensure a timelier, meaningful, transparent and structured consultative process with civil society. For this purpose, with this project, the Blueprint group will actively work on the promotion of participatory policy making in the area of justice by using an inter-sectoral approach and cooperation with thematic networks and other civil organizations.

The last key cluster of activities that will be implemented for the duration of this project is the strengthening of evidence-based advocacy activities in the area of justice by civil society organizations. Within this cluster, it is planned to hold events, prepare documents for public policies, publish views and comments on current developments, as well as update the website of the Blueprint Group, with the aim of bringing the work of the partner organizations in the Blueprint Group closer to general public. At the same time, these activities emphasize the importance of the participation of the civil sector in the process of creating policies and their implementation, as well as the significant work performed by civil society organizations to convey the voice of the people to the competent authority.

The Blueprint Group remains committed to these processes and with its experience and expertise will continue to contribute to the full, high-quality, transparent and inclusive implementation of reforms in the judicial system, with the aim of establishing the principle of the rule of law, restoring the trust of citizens in the judiciary and successful European integrations.

The Blueprint group for judicial reforms

  • – Macedonian Young Lawyers Association
  • – European Policy Institute
  • – Institute for Human Rights
  • – Coalition All For Fair Trials
  • – Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
  • – Center for Legal Research and Analysis
  • – Open Society Foundation – Macedonia